Monday, 2 June 2008

Zen and the Art of Foot Maintenance

I have decided that long distance walking isn’t so much about the fitness and stamina, but more about the long lost art of foot maintenance. Feet that do Parish Walks, they cannot feel soft as your face. (Fairy liquid advert reference for those of you not old enough to remember) New and interesting blisters and sores are appearing all over my feet at the moment. How does one prevent this happening? How does one cope once a nasty blister has developed? People must end up walking on pulpy stumps!

I seem to be living in a world of perpetual foot pain since I upped my mileage. People who finish the Parish either have hooves instead of feet or are able to endure untold amounts of pain. Probably a combination of both.

Training was good this week. I managed a couple of 5 mile runs. This weekend I did two walks back to back, both off-road for safety due to some bizarre motorcycle event taking place this week. The first walk was the Millennium way from Sky Hill to Crosby – roughly 17miles. The second one was a thundering (by my standards) full Millennium way from Casteltown right through to Ramsey itself which I did with Bryan, my training partner. We finished it the official route in 6 and a half hours which we thought was quite good over open fells. We then set off towards Bride from Ramsey. The official route is roughly 26 miles. We probably added another 3 miles or so to that before getting a lift home.

For those people doing the Millennium way from South to North, please be careful after St Lukes church. The path from there right up to Brandywell (at least 2 miles) is awful. Its been destroyed by motorbikes and is very hard with trainers on, its easy to pick up an ankle injury there.

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