Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Policeman's Heel

Policeman's what?

Its a term used to describe a condition I have developed called plantar fasciitis. Its probably come about through training without proper progressive overload (too much too soon) and carrying too much weight.

Wiki describes it as "a painful inflammatory condition caused by excessive wear to the plantar fascia of the foot or biomechanical faults that cause abnormal pronation of the foot."

I had this a year or so ago, saw a consultant podiatrist for it. He prescribed rest. It worked.

Oh well, thats out of the question; so pain it is then. Back to the training...

I have been running doing two half marathons a week, Saturdays and Wednesdays since my last post with some 5 milers in between. During the weekend halves, I have been doing a few miles walking at a fast 5k pace to get my speed up. Its going well and I am not really tired (as in have to go to bed immediately) afterwards now and am happy that my core fitness is getting stronger.

Not a lot to report really, I am not going to let the foot thing stop me unless it gets too painful to train. Right now its painful when I get up in the morning but it does not seem to be getting any worse.

I want to do a 20 miles with my friend fellow Parish entrant Bryan at the weekend. He doesn't know that yet so we will see how it goes!

Sunday, 13 April 2008

All systems go

I have had my best week so far.

On Monday I ran 11miles around the Point of Ayre. Tuesday was an easy 4 mile run along the Leeds-Liverpool Canal and Wednesday was a longer 10 mile run up the Canal with some colleagues.

On Saturday I planned on doing a long walk because, after all, that's what I am training to do. I felt that after a good few weeks of putting a base down, it was time to test myself a little. With only 9 weeks to go I felt that I should be able to do 20miles at this stage. My parents live in Peel and I live in Bride so it made sense for me to walk the Parish route backwards from Bride down the Lhen to Ballaugh, through Kirk Michael and along the coast road to Peel. With a plan in mind I set off at 7am.

I decided not to racewalk as such, just walk quickly. I was worried that my knees would begin to hurt if I locked them back every stride. I set of fairly steadily doing around 4.5 miles an hour for the first hour. The sun was out and after an hour I still felt very fresh so I got into my pace and pushed on a little, upping the pace to 5 miles an hour for the next hour. I popped into the post office in Ballaugh for a quick Lucozade and a bar of fruit and nut. Hardly the best nutrition but I fancied it and I make up my rules after all :-)

Revived and feeling a little altruistic (I didn't want the change chinking in my pocket so I put it in a lifeboat box) I pushed on to Kirk Michael at a quicker pace and did the next hour at 5.5 miles an hour.

Just after Glen Wyllin I realised that I was racewalking without having made the decision to do so. My mind started to wander and I pondered how the style came to be in the first place and realised that its just a natural thing that starts to happen when you walk quicker over time. When the body is tired it naturally looks for efficiencies and that's how I ended up. It is just an efficient fast walk. Maybe that's obvious? Ahem! Its probably the just Lucozade talking to me...anyway my knees felt OK so I kept going. The last hour I was conscious of a potential blister on the ball of my left heel. Not a lot you can do about that. I dropped the pace a little, back down to 5 miles an hour and got to Peel just under 4 hours. A nice 5mph average. I surprised myself, I felt fine, no blisters and no sore knees.

I woke up this morning, go out of bed and nearly fell flat on my face! My legs decided to go on strike, reminding me that I had taken the %^&$ the day before. The score settled, I slowly warmed up myself and spent the morning repairing the drive. My drive is 1/4 of a mile long and I shovelled around a tonne of stone into a trailer and then back off the trailer onto the drive I was absolutely shattered at the end. So I fell asleep. I just woke up from a sleep and I feel like an old man Now my arms are killing as well as my legs and feet!

Oh well, it was a super week 45 miles and a repaired drive :-)

...and I am STILL 87 kilos!!!

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Will it last?

Last week was unnervingly incident free. Got out on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Monday. I managed to cover 26 miles with the longest being a 10.5 miler.

I have purely been running to get my core fitness up in the shortest time possible and to (hopefully) strengthen my knees.

I really can feel my fitness surging back remarkably quickly! Yesterday, when the sun was out , running in a vest weather, I felt the best I have felt for a few years. Of course the temptation is to crank up the pace - but that is a dark world fully of the promise of injury. I find it SUCH a struggle to hold myself back when I feel like that. I kept looking down at my watch and seeing my pace higher than I planned even though I feel I am holding back.

Oh but to just sprint across the dunes :-)

My plan is to carry on this way, increase the mileage to 30 this week. The weekend after next I want to walk the parish section from Bride to Peel (backwards of course!) which is around 20 miles or so.

Fingers crossed, things are looking up...